
We would like to announce the continuation of the Asian Chemicals Forum (ACF ) series 2025 in Mumbai, India! Following the success of the Asian Chemicals Forum 2023, we're back with ACF 2025 on the 24-25 September. Organized by the Regulatory Representatives and Managers Association (RRMA) and the Helsinki Chemicals Forum (HCF), and proudly sponsored by the Global Product Compliance (GPC) Group.

This event marks the next chapter in extending HCF's thematic discussions to Asia. It's a vital step towards realizing our shared vision of a sustainable and secure future for the global chemical industry. New speakers, new industry-relevant topics, new activities, and new partners are coming soon. Details to follow shortly. Like last time, this event will feature both physically and online. Our aim is to make it accessible for attendees from anywhere in the world.

Join us as we continue the journey at ACF 2025, shaping a safer and more sustainable chemical industry worldwide!