Why Visit?
At ACF 2025 on 8-9 October, you will be able to hear four opening keynote speeches by prominent speakers representing India and international regulatory bodies that will set the scene for the three panel debates that follow during the rest of the day. These topics were selected by the ACF Organizing Committee with the assistance of the HCF Programming Committee. Each panel will have expert speakers from different stakeholders, such as regulatory authorities, industries, NGOs and academics or consultants from the Asian and the rest of the world. Experienced top class moderators will animate the debate among the panel speakers and involve the audience or those who will be following the debates online. During the day, there will be several breaks, during which participants and speakers can network and exchange views. The second day will end with a walking dinner.
RRMA annual gathering and training event:
At the annual gathering and training event of 8 October members of the RRMA will hold their annual gathering activities and listen to presentations from the Secretary General, the Chair, and the Co-Chair of the Governing Council. The training program offers a long list of presentations, which will take place in parts and in parallel so that members and aspiring members can choose which ones to follow.
Expected to visit:
Over 250 individuals are expected to visit ACF 2025 and the RRMA 2025 Gathering and Training Event over the 2 days, including regulatory experts from governments, industries, NGOs and academics. Chemical substances and mixtures involves different industries, such as base chemicals, fine chemicals, agrochemicals, cosmetics, dyes, metals, inorganics, and bio-based chemicals, while users of chemicals involves almost all article-producing industries, which are also affected by chemicals regulations. ACF welcomes a large diversity of industry representatives from across the globe
Accommodation assistance:
If you need any help regarding your accommodation and stay in Mumbai during the conference please reach out to us by email: [email protected]